Tyre Safety Pavilion at World Road Meeting
India was the host country for this year’s World Road Meeting organized by International Road Federation (IRF). As one of the largest events in the domain, IRF has been organising the prestigious World Road Meeting once every four years in different cities across the world. The theme for this year’s event was Safe Roads and Smart Mobility : The Engines of Economic Growth. Transport Ministers of several countries participated. ATMA got a pride of place as one of the key supporting organizations for the event and also set up a creatively designed dedicated pavilion on tyre safety.
A Tyre safety App was launched on the occasion by Chairman ITTAC Mr V K Misra for engaging with motorists, especially younger generation and starting conversations around tyre safety. Different sets of fun quiz on tyres and their importance were interwoven in the app so as to bring home the point of tyre safety. Over four days, ATMA & ITTAC staff fanned out to visitors with slick tablet PCs in hands loaded with quiz enquiring “How Tyre Smart you are?”. Exciting gifts for winners helped more people enlisting for the quiz.
An element of engagement on social media was also woven in the whole process considering the youth’s proclivity to share everything on social media. An attractively designed certificate for participating in the quiz landed in the inbox of participant in real time basis which could be shared on twitter and facebook.