A high-level delegation from the Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association ( JATMA) was in India on the invitation of Automotive Tyre Manufacturers Association (ATMA) for continued dialogue on aspects such as Tyre Safety, Tyre Labelling, Rolling Resistance, Tyres for Electric Vehicles etc. Mr V K Misra, Chairman Indian Tyre Technical advisory Committee (ITTAC) hosted the bilateral talks.
“In an ever-evolving global economy and fast paced developments in technology, regulations / legislations, innovations, etc. especially in the Auto and Tyre sectors, it is imperative that Industries of India and Japan collaborate and work together towards addressing common issues/challenges”, said Mr. Kenji Kurata, Executive Director JATMA.
ATMA has maintained a continuous dialogue with its Japanese counterpart JATMA. In the last four years, there have been as many delegation level meetings between ATMA and JATMA in both the countries.
“The interactions address key global issues/challenges related to the Tyre sector and also provide a good opportunity to understand the Tyre sectors in the two countries”, said Mr V K Misra, Chairman ITTAC
The delegation from JATMA also visited the Tyre Safety Zone set up by ATMA/ ITTAC at the Auto Expo 2020 and took keen interest in the tyre safety activities being undertaken.